Piper - Ageless - She/her - - INTERWEBZ MONKEY VIRUS!

She has been created deh 31 Of July 2024

It has been 5 months that she had been created !


Piper iz a silly computer virus! Really kind n rlly attached!

She haz a sensible heartn she haz TOO MUCH EMPATHY for her friendz, especially 4 her friend Macie, her long last internet friendz dat she never saw

Piperz friendz r Melody , Sprinklez , Samira n Pawzie!!!

She spendz a lawt of tiemz wif Sprinklez n Samira since dey r both ultra colored in her place

By deh way Piper have huge feelingz 4 Melody but never showz, she iz too scared 2 lose Melody by throwing her sentimentz off :(

((under construction))

Who deh HELL IZ DAT GIRLIE DAT TOOK DEH PAEG??? Well deh girl dat took her pc iz Macie! Piper's forever friend ^^! SO WE R IN MACIE'S DESKTOP IN 2006, IT HAVE NEVER CHANGED SINCE!!!!

In 2006, Macie installed a computer app wif deh naem of "Sweet Pal Piper". The app featured Piper, and taking care of her by giving her bananas, lollipoz n orange sodaz! And also clothing her up n giving her up hairclips!! So itz liek, an useful Tamagotchi!!! She could also give her infoz n do deh researchez ^^! she started to get litterally attached at her, getting obsessed with her computer, everytime she came back 2 school, she started to log in her computer and take care of Piper!

But deh moar timez goez on n deh moar technologiez advanced! In 2009, Macie changed her pc n never ever log in her desktop ever.... leaving Piper alone..... always sitting down n waiting for her long lost best friend Macie...who will never came back.

Plus, The app had never been updated since 2012... So Piper became obsolete. Wich leads her to a glitchy and old appearance... So deh current design of Piper iz a glitched out version of hers :(.

And wutz even moar horrible, iz dat since she had been obsolete, ppl modified deh app n put a virus!!!! dis iz why shez a monkey viruz...

Macie, her, is now a 31 years old woman, she had grew up, is married and have two children. Forgetting and replacing formely Piper.. It's just a mere souvenir..

Piper iz representing deh feeling of being abandonned and forgotten, hoping her long last friend will come back, knowing she may forgotten and grow up.


☆ Derz rumorz dat she iz Bonzi Buddyz niece,,,, o_0...

☆ Deh hairclipz on her hair r also virusez.. well deirz a lot of dem!!!!

☆ She also used to b an MSN extension for telling positive newz :D
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