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✿ 2023 theme ✿ : mini gifey berii :p

⚠︎ Lil warning ⚠︎ : Remember that there's some sensitive subjects , srry in advance :)


Yesterday I wanted to tell some funny shit but I fell asleep while I get home and I was so hella sick (COMBO) so I didn't write plus I forgor-.

I made a nightmare about the presentation I should do in Spanish lesson and at final the teacher were sooooo proud of me :D

And also, OH FUCK THE PRESENTATION IN TECHNOLOGY. I had to do a wholeee presentation abt TikTok but idk when I talked abt Pink Lily and her ass song about pop it....


Anways sinon the teacher were so happy so it was cool like I gave her some crispy facts and gossip fa her and she enjoyed all of my gossip abt TikTok :)

28/11/2023 (Tue)

Today I got art class and uhm.... rlly this shitty ass bitchy teacher rlly fucked up mah day.

So already she took all da drawings fa judging them and when it was abt mine... She says how much my drawing was shcolar and childish....

Like she judged everythang " yah u do 6th thing with the perspective"

Frankly, this is so fucking humiliating to say that toward everyone....

Never of mah life I will forget cuz now... there's no need to say that :(

♡ Friendship is magic ♡ - 27/11/2023 (Mon)

Today, it's a great day afta eating with friends like, we echanged our pies ( I took the rasbeyy one while some of dem take the pear and caramel one.... THE PEAR ONE OMG) we ate, we do shit with the water, anyways, friends stuff.

Tbh, I rlly appreciate them, ofc cuz they are my friends (at least as saw dem like dat while dey may see me as a acquaintance ANYWAYS THAT'S NOT THE SUCJECT) And they make me less depressed and sad.

Ofc I am still sad but less since I am with them

And I realizes how friendship is important...

At mid school, I only got 2....

One who were moslty of her time with other ppl and doesn't give a shit abt me, and the other one who where ALWAYS absent.

Result? : I was lonely.

And I keep eating alone at the lunchroom and omg it's torture.... x(

With all those deadasses, insults,humiliations,and bullying, anyways, the last day on mid school was disaster...

While on high school....

Fuck I am so well surrounded, and I wanna say, we are a lot (we r 7) and I fell less lonely, I got so much raving with them... THE GOOD LIFE! I love my friends so fucking much even I don't show it enouigh, cuz even I am dumb and happy, I am really shy. Like you see, a mix of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, so yeah indeed, this mix is me heeheehee.

Anyways I really love my friends, and I love them from the bottom of my heart ❤

sh updates - 26/11/2023 (Sun)

2 months without sh, ofc fa yall like nah berii killed it but for me...no... I WANT SH SO BADLY BUT I CAN'T FUCKKKK 💀

I want to sh but the problem is that my mom has hidden all of my razor blades and even the knife like ehhhhh, none of sharp thangs in my sight, like MOMMMM, why ? T_T

Go into AliExpress and fa buying them precision knife and bandages cuz this is absolute porverty 🥳🥳🥳

Anyways, so uhmmm, I went on Twitter (#shtwt 🫶🏾) and in fact they talk abt jpshtwt, the japanese version of shtwt and OH MY GOD that Japanese ppl are so hella crazy... they do sh like it's so healla magnificient and I am so fucking jealous of it

Mostly of my cuts dissapears on my legs and arms (cuz it were baby cuts) but they are some that are visible...

But anyways I want to them to be visible.... LIKE RRLY VISIBLE LIKE IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN

Make them visible fuck >_<

So I will buy some material fa cutting myself like rasor blades, bandages, alcohool and also band aids, and alsoooooooooooo a pencil case so I can hide it and go in high school.

I always forget that the bathroom of the high school are so hella clean like I swear to god they are clean as fuck and it's smell so good like NAHHHH 💀

Let's cancel the way to sh on there

I will may ask to anons on 4chan fa finding them objects fa cutting myself cuz u know what yolo might as well finiding funneh objects fa sh

25/11/2023 (Sat)
Get another zero, frankly, I should make it better!! ∑(゜Д゜;).....

Cuz I am starting to get more and more dumb now -_-'....

Even I'll try to do my best, I would never evry succes cuz I am someone that can't concentrate, even when I don't draw or something, I try to listen but I CAN'T cuz since I am a child... I NEVER SUCCES TO CONCENTRATE..

Fuck this is so annoying, Istg when u r som1 that can't even concentrate and that have a lack of attention, that can't being calm, and that is hyperactive asf...anyways.

Otherwise, I am out of meds that keeps me calm and less psychotic...

So uhhh, if I am hyperactive and erratic, then it's just I am out of meds and I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING PAY DEM CUZ I AM BROK AS FUCK LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

22/11/2203 (Wed)

I am frankly proud of how my sona is evolving... At that point, I really wanna look like here so badly, so I decided to push my creativity at the max, I have her pink vest and her black pants, but I don't get a grey stripped shirt and some clover hairclips.... I searched on Internet, and nothing. I searched on Etsy, and I saw ppl selling crochet of clovers, it so stylish, like I got some unused hairclips at home, and hop! The clover crochet hanging to the hairclip and you got a fire hairclip. Yes, it will b so complicated, but idgaf, it will be fun ^_^!!!

Anywayssssss so, I want so badly the moot shirt. But since it doesn't exist, I will improvise ncuz they are always solution at everything, I guess so :p

Anyways I am already preparing myself fa Christmas and all of this shit, even I know I will get ZERO gift not cuz I wasn't nice, but like, At this moment, it's a bit of a financial crisis with my family. My mom is on the verge and can no longer make end meets, so she prevent us that me and my brother won't get gifts this year... I kinda took it badly cuz Christmas is such a crazy thing for me and like.....
And I think even, if at Christmas, I'll won't get gifts, will it at my birthday, get nothing, cuz it's just one month after..... fuck :(

Lmfao I realized that I went so out of subjects wtf

17/11/2203 (Fri)
I hardly realize that my drawings were ..shit.... straight fucking shit.

Like everytime that I see some of my drawings.... uhm.... I am simply DISGUSTED... Like there's smth wrong on there, so when I see that some people evolve and I AM REGRESSING, I HATE MYSELF FUCKKKKKKK

I even regret to post some drawings in the Internet, I want to try my best, but either I fail, either I get blamed :(

I will start to delete some cuz I am really ashamed. I will try my best to make it double ^_^

14/11/2023 (Tue)

So, 2day, I went to the cinema, it was funny, yeah, especially the film..... LMFAO THE MOVIE >_<
I SWEAR TO GOD, IT WAS SO FUNNY!! The name of the movie is "3 days max" and it's MASTERCLASS

Except thids.... I have more the impression that it was them two... than me... I feel a little abandonned and lonely, yeah. She didn't talked to me, I know that somletimes I can be shy, so I don'tv talk.... but still.... :(

But without lying, I would prefer that they only can be them two and not me, I feel... invasive a bit- cuz they such ave good vibes...and me...uh....웃 < hi- euh ok no.... ok....

These two were really cute ♡

I should had refuse...

BUT NORMALLY, We were supposed to be what, 4 or 5... and we were only 3... like...okay....

But anyways, what a great movie!

Why so much hate???? - 13/11/2023 (Mon)

I always see that people have a CRUDE hate toward 4chan and GUROchan... Like ok, I understand maybe I deserve a fcuking lobotomy....but.... seriosuly.... why hating so much these sites???

Tbh, I love 4chan!!! I go on there everyday, it's my routine. It's the only place that I am open toward ever evryone, they understand me, to every mfs that said I should get aways from it r the one that want all bad shit from me, they r the one that hate me soooo much, they don't want to see me happy, they want to see me sad...forever

Anywayss,, Just to say, yes, it's the only place that I feel rlly better, mostly of them were adorable, okay they were some trolls telling how much I am a retard and a fragile child, but mostly of them were pretty kind and chill and they even gave me real advices ^_^

And about GUROchan, same thing. I always get exposed to gore at a young ave (about 12~13 years old) and I feel nothing while I see gore, even hardcore one (and even snuff).
Like, when I see blood, ppl dying, violent car crash..anyways..GORE. So now, I also go on GUROchan for watching gory looking drawings and awesome gore stuff, I obviously don't post it on there, but In love to talk, comment and watch it, but I always ask a question..... Where do they find all of these photos or drawings?
Nah, I am rlly honest now... where do they found them, for fuck sake. I am curious, give me the sources. I am rlly asking where do they find these cute picz >_<

These websites are my antistress, it may look that I am a "manipulable" fragile whore whatever, but yeah, I am just a 15 yo girl going in these sites, that's all, that's normal....

Let me be happy, fuck.

The party of my dream - 7/11/2023 (Tue)

OMFG FINALLY! I finally joined the communist party!!! I always dreamt of it,I know that people will h8 me and ppl will found it's a shitty looking ideology!!!! And nuh uhhh, u r wrong, capitalism is our ennemy, we should stop all of this shit, what we should fight, it's poverty, starvation and also, the contempt toward the workers, they wear out their sweat and blood for having a MINABLE salary... All my heart fa dem, my dad is a worker, I know what it does to not have much to eat on the end of the month....

And I swear to god, it's not fun at all.. So, that's why I joined this party, and I also got an huge admiration fa Staline, but I am not Stalinist, I am Marxist, I fucking love Marx and Engels' ideas... I think I'll buy a lot of books and stuff about communnism to educate myself. I also sign up at the French Communist Party.

It's breaks my heart that ppl thinks communsim is a bad ideology, and that ppl r happy that A LOT of percentage of countries h8 dem. Even I adorre communism, I publicly h8 North Korea, which doesn't reflects and got the value of communsim. Communism is the definition of liberty and no to torture and disinformation. And NOT THE FUCKING PERSONALITY CULT, ok I said it while I venerate Che Guevara-. I MEAN- CHE GUEVARA IS NOBLE CUZ OF THE COMMUNSIM OF CUBA. And if I don't say shit again... Cuba is still a communist country.Which iz cool :p

All hail communsim ☭♡
My channel was garbage - 30/10/2023 (Mon)
I don't like my channel, it's been 1 yr that I created it and I can't anymore, it's cringe, it's sucks, it's deadly pathetic, I hate it...
I wish I never created it, I hope ppl will froget it and it will b a relic of the past...

I was 14, I just wanted to have fun, that's all.... I wanted to show my "talents" of an animator since I animate since 2019 but I realizes that I sucks, imcompetent, and I wanted to do a fucking tutorial... LMFAOOOO

Rest in piss this ass channel

And hopin u won't ever have a second one.... :)